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Council Member Clubs

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This is an alpha listing of all the council member clubs and their contact information. If any field is left blank that is because that information has not yet been submitted or the club does not have that service at this time. Feel free to contact the clubs if you are interested in becoming a member or would like meeting location, etc. DO NOT SEND EMAILS FOR EVENTS - send them to contact@carclubcouncil.com or to fredfann@comcast.net for inclusion in the Calendar Page where they will get thousands of hits every week. If any information needs to be changed or updated please contact me by e-mail: contact@carclubcouncil.com.

If you'd like an application to join the council click on Application Page.

Members can view the CCCCVA By-laws by clicking on By-laws Page.


American Legion Post 175

Purpose: Raise awareness and funds for veterans and veteran family programs
Contact: Raymond G. Lewter, President
Address: 8700 Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Phone: 804-357-2800
Email: cgulls@hotmail.com
Web Site:


Asphalt Angels Auto Club

Purpose: Car Club
Contact: Brian Wenk, President
Address: 3011 Kruger Drive, Richmond, VA 23230
Phone: 804-266-1483
Email: vatechlady@gmail.com
Web Site: www.asphaltangels.net
Other: Oldest Street Rod Club in Richmond Virginia; has sponsored a Major Car Show for over 60 Years


Bedford Igniters

Purpose: Enjoyment of classic cars, nostalgia, Americana and fellowship of like minded enthusiasts
Contact: Douglass Berry
Address: 323 Longhill Road, Goode, VA 24556
Phone: 315-481-7237
Email: Igniters1958@gmail.com
Web Site: www.bedfordigniters.com
The Bedford Igniters Car Club

There were two car clubs in Bedford from 1958 to 1961: the Thundering Turtles and the Bedford Igniters.

The clubs' roots go back to returning combat veterans who missed the camaraderie of the military who shared the love of cars and adrenaline. Street racing was popular at the time and clubs met at "filling stations", Drive-ins, garages or in supermarket parking lots. Soon these groups of mostly young men and their car clubs were identified by law enforcement agencies as "gangs" or "holigans" and run off.

Though the Bedford Igniters ruled the roads from Bedford to the Roanoke Valley, they disbanded in late 1961; however their members and families continued to evolve to muscle car and hot rod oriented groups, with a few dedicated to professional drag racing.

Today's car clubs have changed the image of the past by becoming charitable organizations, returning profits from car shows and fundraisers to those in the communities where they live.

Many of us build our own hot rods and engines, restore classic cars, and enjoy keeping them in top shape. We enjoy going to the local cruise-in and car shows to show off our cars and trucks, and to share a special camaraderie found in the nostalgia of automobiles.

The Bedford Igniters was re-formed unofficially in 2016 and formally in 2019 to rekindle the "LOVE" of nostalgia, automobiles, and Bedford County history.


Carbs & Coffee Winterpock

Purpose: Promoting education of classic, vintage and exotic vehicles of all types
Contact: Douglas Atkins
Address: 11349 Weeping Cherry Lane, Moseley, Virginia 23120
Phone: 804-399-4758
Email: carbsncoffeewinterpock@gmail.com
Web Site: facebook.com/groups/1747841325424623


Central Virginia British Car Club

Purpose: The enjoyment and restoration of vehicles manufactured in the British Isles
Contact: Gregory Lucyk
Address: 7106 Club Road, Richmond, Virginia 23228
Phone: 804-288-1634
Email: gglucy@comcast.net
Web Site: www.cvbcc.com


Central Virginia Chapter Model T Ford Club International

Contact: Paul Carreras
Address: 2206 Oakwood Lane, Richmond, VA 23228
Phone: 804-262-5839
Email: carrerasg@aol.com
Web Site:
Other: Member of the MTFCI


Central Virginia Chapter Studebaker Drivers Club

Purpose: To provide felowship and support to people interested in Studebakers
Contact: James Jett
Address: 221 Fairway Dr, Louisa, VA 23093-6522
Phone: 804-232-8501
Email: jsjett@centralvirginiachapter.org
Web Site: www.centralvirginiachapter.org
Other: Member of the National Studebaker Drivers Club


Central Virginia Corvair Club

Purpose: To preserve existing cars, encourage interest in and history of the Corvair and fellowship with owners.
Contact: Wade Lanning
Address: 8015 Driftwood Drive, Prince George, VA 23875
Phone: 804-586-1023
Email: wblanning@comcast.net
Web Site: https://sites.google.com/view/central-virginia-corvair-club/home
Other: Chartered chapter of the Corvair Society of America (CORSA).


Central Virginia Mopar Club

Purpose: Promote the preservation and restoration of all Mopars; participate, sponsor and promote local shows
Contact: Jim Hill
Address: 12150 Spring Run Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Phone: 804-790-1122
Email: charger6pk@verizon.net
Web Site: www.centralvirginiamoparclub.com
Other: Club can provide technical assistance to members and friends; restoration resources


Central Virginia Mustang Club

Purpose: A non-profit organization to promote the enjoyment of Mustangs
Contact: Tony Hall
Address: P.O. Box 25158, Richmond, VA 23260
Phone: 804-337-4804
Email: 95SVTCobraVA@comcast.net
Web Site: www.centralvamustang.com
Other: Meets first Wednesday of the month at J.R. Tucker High School, 2910 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23294 at 7:00 PM


Corvette Club of Richmond, Inc.

Purpose: Promote interest in various automotive activities. Promote safe driving, encourage ownership and interest in the Corvette.
Contact: Paul Murman
Address: Corvette Club of Richmond, P.O. Box 11661, Richmond, VA 23230
Email: email2ccr@gmail.com
Web Site: www.corvetteclubofrichmond.com


Cruisin For Heroes

Purpose: Raise awareness and funds for charities supporting veterans and first responders Contact: Lou Realmuto
Address: 19261 Mabel Court, Culpeper, VA 22701
Email: 4cruiserlou@gmail.com
Web Site: facebook.com/groups/969965209721565


Fredericksburg Street Rods

Purpose: Interest in cars, helping our community
Contact: Ron Wactor
Address: 10138 Brock Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22553
Phone: 540-972-2546
Email: rwactor@hughes.net
Web Site:


Good Time Cruisers Car Club

Purpose: Interest in classics, hot rods, muscle cars, AACA, Car Show Nationals
Contact: Hoppy Hopkins
Address: 5560 Flat Run Road, Locust Grove, VA 22508
Phone: 540-226-7254
Email: flatrun@erols.com
Web Site: Contact Tonda.hopkins@yahoo.com


GTO Club of Richmond

Purpose: To support the restoration and preservation of the Pontiac GTO. The club provides this to all members who are either interested in or own GTO's.
Contact: Ron Bartek
Address: 4441 Shoremeade Road, Richmond, VA 23234
Phone: 804-674-5901
Email: gtocruzer@comcast.net
Web Site: www.gtoofrichmond.com


Heart of Virginia Classic Auto Club

Purpose: A non-profit organization for people who own, drive, or just appreciate antique and classic automobiles.
Contact: Tom Ashton
Email: mopar4tom@yahoo.com
Web Site:


Historic Fredericksburg AACA

Purpose: Proserve, share automotive history of the automobile
Contact: Frank Duval
Address: 6216 Marye Road, Wood ford, VA 22580
Phone: 540-373-2617
Email: super70rr@yahoo.com
Web Site: www.hfraaca.org


Kena Car Club

Purpose: Fellowship for Kena Shriners interested in motorized vehicles
Contact: Dick Javins
Address: 508 Yeonas Dr. SW, Vienna, VA 22180
Phone: 7703-887-3166
Email: JavinsMD@aol.com
Web Site:


McKenney Cruisers

Purpose: Donating to those in need and enjoying all aspects of motor vehicle activities
Contact: Antonio Moore
Address: P. O. Box 9, Stoney Creek, VA 23882
Phone: 804-691-1104
Email: Connie Jordan jordanacejr@aol.com
Web Site:


Muscle Car Association of Richmond

Purpose: Preservation of Muscle Cars of the 60's and 70's and New Muscle
Contact: John Gordon, Jr.
Address: 14102 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA 23059
Phone: 804-432-6329
Fax: 804-798-5880
Email: jgordonjr@comcast.net
Web Site: www.richmondmusclecar.com


Old Dominion Chapter - Model A Ford Club

Contact: Gene Tallone
Phone: 804-739-4830
Email: Gene Tallone: eft39@aol.com
Web Site: www.olddominionmodela.org


Old Dominion Chapter Pontiac Oakland Club International

Purpose: Promote restoration and enjoyment of the Pontiac brand
Contact: Mike Abernathy, President
Address: 1400 Fortingale Circle, Sandston, VA 23150
Phone: 804-737-3139
Email: bigchf2011@gmail.com
Web Site: www.olddominionpoci.org


Old Dominion Historical Fire Society

Purpose: A Non-profit, Educational, Historical Organization Dedicated to the Preservation of Fire Service History
Contact: Tom Herman
Address: P.O.Box 4196, Chester, VA 23831
Phone: 804-590-1239
Fax: 804-714-0400
Email: tom-herman@worldnet.ATT.net
Web Site: www.ODHFS.org


Old Dominion Late Great Chevys

Purpose: Preservation and restoration of the Chevrolet Brand
Contact: Ben Beale, President
Address: 3128 Landria Dr. Richmond, VA 23225
Phone: 804-330-2431
Email: Bbathcoun@aol.com
Web Site: virginiachevyclub.com


Old School Street Cruisers

Contact: Carl Johnson, President; Greg Wyatt, Vice-President
Address: 142 Sunny Drive, Ashland, VA 23005
Phone: 804-920-8875
Web Site: www.facebook.com/Old-School-Street-CruisersAuto-Club-1622834141263664


Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruisers

Purpose: The purpose of the Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruizers Club is: to promote the safe and enjoyable use of all vehicles 20 years of age or older to promote good will in the community to promote charitable events to help Veterans have a better life.
Contact: Gordon Ford
Address: The Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruisers, P.O. Box 1443, Hopewell, Va. 23860
Phone: 804-712-1643
Email: gordonford10@yahoo.com
Web Site: www.obgcc.com


Pamplin Historical Park

Purpose: Non-profit 501(c)3 Hisoric Site/Park
Contact: Colin Romanick
Address: 6125 Boydton Plank Road, Petersburg, VA 23803
Phone: 804-861-2408
Email: aromanick@pamplinpark.org
Web Site: www.pamplinpark.org
Other: Host of Breakthrough Car Show


Potomac Classic Thunderbird Club

Purpose: To unite as a local organization those owners and admirers of Classic T-Birds, defined as two-passenger 1955, 1956, 1957 Ford T-Birds; who are interested in restoration and promote admiration within the community
Contact: Bob Hartig
Address: 6556 Old Dominion Drive, McLean VA 22101-4118
Phone: 703-790-5565
Fax: 703-790-5565
Email: potomacbird@verizon.net
Web Site: potomacbird.com
Other: Affiliated with the Classic Thunderbird Club International


Potomac Ramblers

Purpose: Promote Nash, Rambler and AMC throughout Virginia
Contact: Dave Moeller
Address: 7301 Galveston Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23505
Phone: 757-587-5546
Email: ddmoe@aol.com
Web Site: www.potomacramblers.com


Richmond Metropolitan Antique Car Club of Virginia

Purpose: To promote the hobby of collecting antique automobiles by interacting with other car clubs through car shows, displays, tours and parades
Contact: Ron Tatum
Address: 5421 Newby's Wood Trail, Chesterfield, VA. 23832
Phone: 804-276-7897
Email: rmtatum@comcast.net
Web Site:


Richmond Region AACA

Purpose: The purpose of the club is to promote the restoration and preservation of all vehicles especially antique vehicles; to provide support for fellow auto enthusiasts regardless of marquee preference or type of vehicle; to make our cars available wherever they will provide joy to young or elderly alike and to offer family oriented socials and events where club members, guests and friends can enjoy the vehicles and each other.
Contact: George Duke, President
Email: george.duke@dukellc.com
Web Site: www.richmondaaca.com
Other: Feel free to attend any of our events or contact us about joining our club. Ownership of an antique vehicle is not a requirement.


Richmond Triumph Register

Purpose: For the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of all Triumphs
Contact: Tim Thacker, President
Phone: 804-502-3532
Email: thacket@outlook.com
Web Site: richmondtriumphregister.com
Other: Newsletter "The Spokes", Editor Glenn Larson GLarson@aol.com


River City Cruizers

Our Mission: To bring together the automotive community to support a variety of local charities in need; Promote Family involvement in the sport; Encourage the preservation & restoration of all vehicles; Maintain the Sport of the Classic Car: Educate others of any legislative concerns that evolve around vehicle ownership; Promote safety of vehicle ownership; Promote fellowship within the Community
Contact: Angela Horowitz
Address: 13325 Lauren Lane, Midlothian, VA 23114
Phone: 804-839-7310
Email: president@rivercitycruizers.com
Web Site: www.rivercitycruizers.com


Shenandoah Valley British Car Club

Purpose: Foster and preserve interest in British cars
Contact: Lew Byrd, President
Address: PO Box 323, Waynesboro, VA 22980
Email: President@svbcc.net
Web Site: www.svbcc.net


Slant Six Club of America

Purpose: Preservation and appreciation of Slant Six and all Mopars
Contact: Gary Platz
Address: 1215 Burlington Drive, Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Phone: 804-526-0520 and cell 804-720-7214
Email: platzbarbara@yahoo.com
Web Site: http://clubs.hemmings.com/nynjslant6


Southern Knights Cruisers Inc

Purpose: A nonprofit club working for our country’s veterans and law enforcement
Contact: Ricky Williams, President
Address: Southern Knight Cruisers, Inc, 101 Comstock Drive, Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Phone: 804-691-3754
Email: uworime@comcast.net
Web Site: www.southernknightscruisers.com


Stax of Wax DJ Service

Purpose: Provides DJ service for cruises and car shows
Contact: Wes Thomas
Address: 10300 Redfield Drive, Amelia Courthouse, VA 23002
Phone: 859-358-0344
Email: pnealthomas@gmail.com
Web Site:
Other: In business since the 1970s with a huge library covering all genres of music.


Street Dreams Cruisers

Purpose: Give back to the community
Contact: Glenn Harris
Address: 1600 Tabb Avenue, Hopewell, VA 23860
Phone: 804-317-0025
Email: streetdreamscruisers@yahoo.com
Web Site: www.streetdreamscruisers.net


The Moonlight Cruise-In

Purpose: An event aimed at bringing car enthusiasts together in the evening into the night sky for a unique and enjoyable experience
Contact: Peppy Johnson
Address: 6407 Iron Bridge Road, Richmond, VA 23234
Phone: 804-319-6696
Email: themoonlightcruisein@gmail.com
Web Site: (under construction)


Virginia Classic Cruisers

Purpose: A family oriented club dedicated to the preservation of classic cars and street rods
Contact: Chip Palmore, President
Address: 3312 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan, VA 23139
Phone: 804-598-5138
Email: bluenwhitecamaro@comcast.net
Web Site: www.vaclassiccruisers.com


Virginia Classic Thunderbird Club

Purpose: Preservation of the Classic Thunderbird and encouragement of "T-Birding". Safe and courteous operation of the "Classic Thunderbird" automobile hereafter defined as the two-passenger 1955, 1956, and 1957 Ford Thunderbird (Tbird). Ownership of a classic Tbird is not required for membership. VCTC members include owners of other year Tbirds, other antique cars, and members with no Tbird or antique car. All are welcome.
Contact: Bill Brown
Address: 6 Whitaker Court, Williamsburg, VA 23188
Phone: 301-904-9083
Email: whbllb082069@gmail.com
Web Site: www.vaclassictbirdclub.com
Other: Chapter # 36 of the Classic Thunderbird Club International, Monthly meetings, bimonthly newsletter and tech sessions


Virginia Falcon Club

Purpose: Preserve and modify the Ford Falcon
Contact: Randall Chapman
Phone: 804-560-6852
Email: randallgchapman@gmail.com
Web Site: www.virginiafalcons.org


Virginia Motorsports Park

Purpose: Dragstrip, car shows and other auto-related events
Contact: Tyler Crossnoe
Address: 8018 Boydton Plank Road, Petersburg, VA 23803
Phone: 804-862-3174
Fax: 804-862-3301
Email: tcrossnoe@racevmp.com
Web Site: racevmp.com


Virginia Street Rods, Inc

Purpose: To promote the hobby of street rodding, and the fellowship associated with the hobby.
Contact: Lin Bottom, President
Address: P.O.Box 35257, Richmond, Virginia 23235
Phone: 804-405-6086
Email: lineb1934@gmail.com - Lin Bottom, President
Web Site:  
Other: VSR was founded in 1969 in Richmond, Virginia. Since then, the club has maintained a membership of up to 50 members. The club meets regularly and has family functions in the summer months. In addition to Cruises and shows the club is involved in many charitable functions, and contributes to local charities (Families of the Wounded, The Children’s Hospital and others in need, as determined by the membership). Club Affiliations: National Street Rod Association and Central Virginia Car Club Council.


Waynesboro-Staunton Region AACA

Purpose: To promote the antique car
Contact: Ken Farley, President
Address: 71 Donovans Lane, Staunton, Virginia 24401
Phone: 540-248-0635
Email: kkf163@ntelos.net
Web Site: www.waynesboro-stauntonregion.aaca.com
Other: This is the 4th oldest AACA Region in the country and the 1st in the South. This Region actively supports and encourages the antique vehicle hobby.


Zee Central Virginia Roadsters and Coupes

Purpose: To promote the enthusiasm of BMW Z Series automobiles - show and take cruises
Contact: Stephen Kline, President
Address: 10256 Cherylann Road, Richmond, VA 23236
Phone: 804-319-7788
Email: sandkkline@gmail.com
Web Site: www.zscca.org

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