2025 Shows and Events
- March 28 - The Chesterfield Cruzing Cruise-in presents a special Friday event: It’s “LENTEN FRIDAY FISH FRY NIGHT” at the ST. EDWARD’S CATHOLIC CHURCH on Huguenot Rd. (corner of Dolfield Rd. near Old Gun Rd.) 4:30 PM to 7 PM. First time in three years we’ve had a warm/dry Friday night during Lent. Reserved parking for classic cars. Reserved seating inside for cruisers! The church serves a FABULOUS fish dinner as follows: Fried Catfish OR Baked Salmon, with Baked Potato or Fries…..Cole Slaw or Salad…….Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Hush Puppies and a drink included….$16. Home-made Desserts available also! Wine is permitted, BYOB…. For more info, call the Church at 804-272-2948 or e-mail Cadillac Jeff at caddyman617@yahoo.com
- April 29 - Cars & Coffee at Stony Point Fashion Park, 9200 Stony Point Parkway, Richmond, VA 23235 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM. Cars & Coffee is an informal biweekly car show of car enthusiasts, of all kinds. It’s not about the car you drive but about how much of a car enthusiast you are! Come join the fun every other Saturday (biweekly). Register online, or at the time of arrival with cash ($3 pre-registration). Spectators can attend for free. Cars & Coffee will be meeting in the parking lot right in front of eggspectation! Be sure to take advantage of eggspectation’s Saturday promotion from 8am-11am. 10% off your check and $14.99 MIMOSA FLIGHTS. Eggspectation (Opens 8am), Lyra’s Natural Kitchen also serves coffee + sells breakfast ALL DAY (located right near eggspectation). Website: shopstonypoint.com/events/6330
- April 3 - 5 - AACA Southeastern Spring Nationals at Charlotte Motor Speedway, Concord, NC. - Website aaca.org/event/2025-southeastern-spring-nationals-charlotte-nc
- April 5 - It’s Opening Night!...for the Chesterfield Cruising Cruz-in; Saturday evening, 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM at APPLEBEE’S (Midlothian area, Hull Street Rd. @ Speeks Rd. in the Victorian Square shopping plaza) Come join us to "jump start" the 2025 season with our first special event. (weather permitting). All drivers of cruiser vehicles get 20% off their dinner. Everyone in the car gets a free soft drink beverage with their meal purchase. Patio dining available, and the cruisers get their own section inside the restaurant. Oldies music 50s-80s; For more info, contact the restaurant at 804-276-3855.
Rain/Cold Date: April 19
- April 6 - First Annual Petersburg SDA Church Sunday Cruise-In, 300 Poplar Drive, Petersburg, VA 23805,
Hours 2 PM to 5 PM. Rain date: April 13th.
Tired of being cooped-up all winter? Grab your chair, come on out and let others see your pride and joy while
you are visiting with your old friends and making new ones. Be sure to mark your calendar.
For info call Billy Conner, 804-216-1225
- April 6 - The May Memorial Cruise In at May Memorial Baptist Church, 3922 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139. Hours 3 PM to 6 PM. Admission is free. Enjoy classic cars and trucks and share your memories of them with another generation! Picnic foods—burgers, hotdogs, fries, and funnel cakes—will be available. (Drivers receive coupon for free drink or side.) All proceeds support the youth ministry events. For more information contact Andrew Sparrow at 804-319-9851, or email SparrowFam@yahoo.com, or call the church office at 804-598-3098. The rain date is April 13.
- April 12 - Spotsy Spring Classic Car Show on Saturday, April 12th 2025 from 10am until 2pm at 7100 Steckler Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22407.
Get ready for a day filled with shiny chrome, custom engines, vintage beauty, face painting and wholesome family fun. Join us for a celebration of classic cars, trucks, and motorcycles from different eras prior to 1990.
Whether you're a car enthusiast or just appreciate the nostalgia of these timeless vehicles, this event is sure to rev your engine.
Come enjoy family fun, food trucks, raffles, Tarot readings by The Cyanide Sisters Tarot & Apothecary, and over 30 local FXBG area small businesses. Don't miss out on the chance to see some of the most iconic rides on display and connect with fellow car lovers.
Mark your calendars for April 12th and make sure to bring your pet donations to the Old Dominion Humane Society tent to receive a free raffle ticket.
*** RAIN DATE FOR THIS EVENT IS April 26th 2025 ***
VIP & Handicap Parking available
Free parking will be across from the event at Riverbend High School.
Car Show attendees: Please be pre-registered by emailing:mmmfxbg@gmail.com or register in-person on the day of the event via: $25 cash/check between- 8:00am and 9:30am.
(Be sure to pre-register to save time at check in.) Email mmmfxbg@gmail.com to register your classic.
Dash Plaques to the first 50 cars/trucks/ bikes Prior to 1990
Spectators will be voting for their favorite by ballot box.
Marcia Wilson | MMMFXBG | Social Media Manager | Market/Event Manager | (757) 817-4012
- April 12 - The Adrian Maurice Cary Scholarship Foundation 4th Annual Car, Truck & Bike Show at Fluvanna County High School, 1918 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra VA 22963. From 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Are you ready to experience the premier car, truck and bike show in the state of Virginia? Whether you're an automotive enthusiast or just looking for a fun day out, our show has something for everyone. We pride ourselves on being the best, and we invite you to bring your prized vehicles to see if they can top the competition. Think you've got something better? Bring it on and let’s see it shine! Connect with fellow car lovers, and enjoy a day filled with excitement and automotive excellence.
Contact person Barbara Cary a4Pride@gmail.com or 434-996-8628. Website: www.facebook.com/A4Pride
- April 12 - Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show, Victoria Railroad Park, 1485 Firehouse Rd., Victoria, VA 23974. 10-3. Cost to enter truck, car or bike into the show: $20. Spectators free. Gate opens at 9, people's choice awards at 2: Baddest Bike, Best Cars, Top Trucks. Food trucks, vendors, music. This fundraiser is being put on by the students of Central High School's Heroes for Hunger Club, to raise money for the local food pantry. For more information, contact Susan at 571-393-7338 or casonisusan@gmail.com
- April 13 - Finish the Race Spring Car & Motorcycle Show 2025
The 2025 Spring FTR Car & Motorcycle Show
Sunday April 13, 2025
Calvary Temple Church 50214 Triple Seven Road, Sterling, VA 20165
Come on out and show off your Car or Motorcycle or just enjoy strolling the grounds and admiring the over 200+ vehicles and motorcycles expected to show up. All makes and models are welcome! Free trailer parking. FREE Registration! FREE Admission! Food and other vendors! Kids Zone with lots of games and activities for kid's and "big" kids! Questions email to events@calvarytempleva.org. You can register at: finishtherace.org
- April 18 - 19 - Good Guys 10th Griot’s Garage North Carolina Nationals - North Carolina State Fairgrounds, 4285 Trinity Road, Raleigh, NC 27607. Complete information at good-guys.com/ncn
- April 19th, Saturday, River City Cruizers Spring Car, Truck and Bike Show. Powhatan County Fairgrounds, 4042 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan 23139. (Rain Date April 26th). 10am to 3pm. Gates will open at 10am, all Show Cars must arrive by 1:00 to be eligible for Judged Events. There will be Music, 50/50 Drawing, Door Prizes, Vendors and two Food Trucks.
Top 10 trophies by Participant Vote, 5 Sponsor Trophies and Judged Trophies for the following Categories: Best in Show, Best Engine, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Bike and Runner up and Best Donk.
Advance Registration is $25/vehicle and must be received by April 7th. $30/vehicle after April 7th and at the Gate. You can download your Registration Form at rivercitycruizers.com/events.
For more information or questions email president@rivercitycruizers.com or call or text:
Scott Trammell 804-937-3222 or Ben Beale 804-920-3032 or Hank Ritter 804-814-9071.
- April 19 – Saturday. The MuscleCAR Club of Richmond is sponsoring its annual show from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on April 19th. The show will be held in the Around the Table parking lot by the Roses store at 155 Junction Drive Ashland VA. This is our annual fund raiser for the Antione Gordon Memorial Scholarship fund. We have donated over $30,000 in scholarships thus far. Registration begins at 10:00 am and ends at 1:00 pm. Registration fee is $20. Classes to be judged include Muscle – New Muscle – Modified – Classic – Truck. For more information contact James Hooker (833-1608) hookermax@comcast.net or see our website www.richmondmusclecar.com.
- April 19 (Saturday) -- 5th Annual Cruise-In Car Show at the Merchants of Beverly Hills Shopping Center (hosts are Spectrum Paint/True Value Hardware) 8500 Patterson Ave. Henrico VA 23229
Showcase for Street Worthy and Collectible, Classic, Foreign, Antique, Low-Rider -- Any Unique Vehicles -
FREE admission to Dine - IN with prior free registration required.
Hours 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Phone 804 508 7650 to register and give name, car and contact information.
Door prizes and Treats: Appreciation for Oldest Vintage, Highest Mileage (verified), Rare, Novel, Distance, Longest Ownership, etc. All vehicle types: fuel, hybrid, electric, solar, pedal -- must be self-propelled
For more information contact Robert Griffey at timber2tone@gmail.com
- April 23 - 27 - Spring Carlisle Collector Car Flea Market & Corral - Spring Carlisle is one of the largest automotive flea markets in the world and one of the best opportunities to get your hands on all things automotive. Location Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013 Website Spring Carlisle
- April 26th - The Devin Samuels Memorial Truck and Car Show at 10515 Colonial Downs Parkway New Kent VA 23124.
Show Time 9am to 3pm (gates open at 8:30am). This is the 4th Annual show that focuses on seatbelt awareness. The show has donated over $21,000.00 to first responders over the past 3 years. Devin unfortunately lost his life in a horrific car crash returning home from work in April 2021.
The show welcomes all vehicles from vintage, classic, muscle, custom, new, luxury, SUV, lowered, and raised.
The event has food trucks, vendors, music, kid events, along with over 30 volunteers to help with coordinating the event. There will be over 50 awards given out along with a 50/50 cash raffle. Admission is $25 to show (passenger free) $5.00 for spectators
Kids 12 and under is free Contact Wayne Samuels 804-980-1294 Email wayne.samuels@mastec.com
- April 26 – Third Annual Cruise-In to benefit the Darlington Heights Volunteer Fire Department, 2673 Darlington Heights Road, Pamplin, VA. Hours 11 AM to 3 PM. Free admission, Dash Plaques for the first 75 vehicles, food available for purchase, 50/50 raffle. Cars, trucks, and motorcycles welcome. Plenty of parking. Come on out, have lunch and enjoy the music, cars, and the casual atmosphere. Rain Date: May 3. For more information contact Jeff Hughes at jrhughes55@verizon.net
- April 26 - 18th Annual Spring Car Show / Central Virginia Mustang Club, J.R. Tucker High School, 2910 N. Parham Road, Henrico, VA 23294 Phone 757 286 3452. Hours 8am-2pm, Open to ALL MAKES AND MODELS, Vehicle Entry $20 pre-registered or $25 day of show. Vendor spaces available $20 each. Spectators welcome and admitted FREE!
Refreshments and DJ, Door Prizes and 50/50 Drawing, Dash Plaques to first 75 entries. Partial proceeds to United Way Southwest Virginia Rapid Disaster Response Fund and Sawyer's Warriors. For more information contact Graham Marsteller at 757 286 3452 or grahammarsteller@yahoo.com
- April 26 - Hopewell Methodist Men's 4th Annual Car show at 6200 Courthouse Road in the heart of Chesterfield County just off Rt. 288 (6200 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832). Hours are noon to 4 pm. The event is free to the public. $20 entry fee for Classic and Modern Muscle Cars\Trucks. Top 5 fan awards for each car division along "Best of" awards for each division. DJ providing the tunes, a 50/50 Raffle, Bounce House for the kids, Women's Ministry Raffle, and door prizes. All proceeds to benefit Hopewell Methodist Men's Missions. Rain Date: May 3. Contact Ricky Hatfield @ rickyhatfield88@gmail.com for more information.
- April 26 – 13th Annual Heart for Missions Youth Car & Truck Show at Bethel Baptist Church, 1193 White Oak Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405, Phone: (912)409-7199. Hours 9 AM to 3 PM. Registration 9am to Noon $20. 100% of the proceeds support your local youth on their mission programs. Spectators are free. Trophies for Best of Show, 4 year categories, Top 20, Best Rat Rod, Best 4x4 and many others. Breakfast Available (Sausage Biscuits, Biscuits and Gravy) Lunch available (Hotdogs and BBQ), DJ Chip spinning tunes. 50/50 Raffle and door prizes. For more information contact Charles “CJ” Jones at HFMYouthCarShow@gmail.com or call (912)409-7199. Website for the show is facebook.com/events/2014121362415617
- April 26 - Eastern Bluebird Fest in Downtown Warrenton, 117 S Main St, Warrenton, NC 27589. Phone: 252-266-0872. Hours 10 AM to 4 PM. Free admission. Live music, food trucks, vendors and amusements: Come out for family friendly fun celebrating the charm in downtown Warrenton and its designation as the Eastern Bluebird capitol of North Carolina. Seeking cars and equipment for a cruise-in and touch-a-truck. For more information contact Riverbend Events at riverbendcsnc@gmail.com. You may find us on Facebook and Eventbrite: www.facebook.com/share/1DCTdqaxvr/?mibextid=wwXIfr.
- April 26 - Deltaville Maritime Museum Car Show/Cruise In will be held from 9 AM until 1 PM at the Deltaville Maritime Museum, 287 Jackson Drive, Deltaville, Va 23043. The show is open to all cars, trucks, and tractors and is a non-judged show.
The car show is held in conjunction with the Opening Weekend Holly Point Festival which features numerous vendors and live entertainment.
Show participants receive free entry to all Museum Facilities and 2 free Groovin tickets valid for any grooving during the 2025 season. The
Boat shop where deadrise skiffs are built by Museum volunteers and sold by the Museum will be open for inspection where boats under various stages of construction can be seen. As with all car shows children's activities are featured and all museum facilities are open for inspection so this makes a great family car show with something for all family members. The historical Buy Boat, which was restored by Museum Volunteers over several years, the F. D. Crockett, will be available for boarding and free creek cruises are offered on the museum Deadrise the Jennie May.
There is no registration fee for the car show and pre-registration is not required.
For further information about the car show and museum facilities please visit the Museum Website at Deltavillemuseum.com or contact the Museum at 804-776-7200
- April 27 - Come cruising with the Southern Knights Cruisers along with Richlands Creamery at the Richlands Creamery facility on April 27, 2025. The Creamery is on US Route 460W. The official address is 460 Cox Road, Blackstone VA 23824. It will start at 1:00pm and end by 4:00pm. Come on out and enjoy the beautiful countryside along with some great food, ice cream and cars. There will be classic music being played to the delight of many who grew up in this era. All is welcome regardless of what you drive. Additional information can be had by calling 804-691-3754.
- May 2 - Calvary Baptist Church will be hosting a Cruise-In at 17001 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Colonial Heights, VA 23834 from 5 - 8 PM, Phone: 804-526-0981. We will be having concessions at this event that will help our teen department with their Youth Conference. Rain date is May 9. If you have any questions please contact Missy
Coates at sec@burdensarelifted.com.
- May 2 -3 - OBX Rod & Custom Festival - Cruise-ins - Static Displays - Special Events - Food & Family Fun - Historic Sites. All Held against the beautiful backdrop of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Complete info at OBXRC.com
- May 3 - 25th Annual Christ Episcopal Church Car Show 8951 Courthouse Road, Spotsylvania, VA. 22553. Dash plaques for the first 100 vehicles, Trophies for Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Graphics, Best Interior and Church Pick, plus top 50 awards, and Best of show 1999 and back and Best of show 2000 and up. DJ Chip Food 50/50 awards at 2pm. Raindate Saturday May 10th.
Contact: Roger Williams 540-785-4451 Cell: 540-846-5192
- May 3 - The Karb Kings of Virginia and the Harrison Road Elementary PTA present the Spring Fling Car Show at Harrison Road Elementary, 6320 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg VA 22407. Show time is 9am-2pm and is open to all pre 1985 vehicles. We will have a vendor area, food trucks, a carnival area, 50/50 raffle and door prizes, music from Flipside Entertainment and much much more!!! $20 registration and it is from 8:00 a.m. until noon. For more information please call Jeff Padgett at 540-388-3993
- May 3 - 25th Annual Williamsburg British & Import Car Show at Williamsburg Premium Outlets in Williamsburg. 10AM - 2PM. Presented by the Williamsburg British and Import Car Club. Register online at wmbgbrit.com
- May 10 - 6th Annual Breakthrough Car Show - 30th Anniversary of the Council at Pamplin Park, 6955 Duncan Road, Petersburg VA 23803. Judging classes for all makes, models and years - classes for every vehicle! Goody bags and dash plaques for the first 150 registered - participant voting. There will be Vendors and Food Trucks. DJ will spin Oldies. Free spectator admission, free parking plus discounted park entry - and plenty of parking for trailers. Door prizes, music, silent auction - all proceeds go to Historic Pamplin Park. ***NEW*** We will fire the cannon during the day and there will be musket demostrations! Complete info, registration form, and everything is at this site: carclubcouncil.com/carshow. Questions? contact@carclubcouncil.com
- May 10th - 14th Annual Old School Street Cruisers Car, Truck & Bike Show benefiting ACES (Ashland Christian Emergency Services). Show will be hosted at Luck Chevrolet, 516 S Washington Hwy Ashland VA 23005. 8 am to 3 pm. Registration is from 8-12. $20 registration fee the day of the show, spectators free. Registration ends promptly at NOON. Judging will begin at 12:30 p.m. sharp. This is one of the premiere shows in the Richmond area. Vendors should arrive before 8:30 a.m. Categories for the show: Top 30, Best of Show, Old School Club Pick, Best Interior, Best Paint, Motorcycle & Truck Trophies. 50/50 Raffle, Prizes and Great Food. First 50 to arrive receive dash plaques. Rain Date: May 17th For more information contact Carl Johnson (804)920-8875, Greg Wyatt (804)752-2312, Robert Waller (540)748-1444, Eddie Hinton (804)314-5107, Antonio Johnson (804)971-7090, Kevin Robinson (804)938-0822
Every Second Saturday from May to September
First Event: May 10th | Time: 4-7 PM
Location: Bella Italia, 6407 Iron Bridge Rd.
The Moonlight Cruise-In aims to celebrate the love for vehicles of all types and foster camaraderie among different Cruise-In communities. The first 50 vehicles to Cruise-In will receive custom dash plaques!
Featuring: Stax Of Wax DJ Services, spinning tunes to keep the energy high.
Perks: All cruisers will receive a FREE soft drink with meal purchase!
Don't miss out on this unforgettable celebration of automotive passion!
The Registration & Information Center for The Moonlight Car & Truck Show at The Richmond Raceway (June 21st, 11 AM - 5 PM) will be available on-site.
For more info, contact:
Peppy Johnson – 804-767-9490
Wes Thomas – 859-358-0344
Mark your calendars and join us every second Saturday from May to September!
"The Moonlight Cruise-In strives to cultivate a diverse car community welcoming classic ,vintage, and daily drivers. Through integrity-driven events, we strive to cultivate lasting friendships among enthusiasts"--- Peppy Johnson
- May 10 - Amelia Lions Club Car Show will be from 8 AM to 12 PM at the Court House Square In Amelia. $20 to pre-register and day of show is $25. Contact Brian Harris at Cell 804-252-4079 Shop 804-561-3107.
- May 16 - 18 - Good Guys 19th BASF Nashville Nationals - Nashville Superspeedway, 4847-F McCrary Road, Lebanon, TN 37090. Complete information at good-guys.com/nvn
- May 16 - 17 - Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals - Join us for an international vehicle wonderland where you can see 1,700+ unique and stunning imported vehicles from around the world as well as domestics, kit cars, motorcycles, trucks and high end performance vehicles. Location Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013 Website Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals
- May 17th - Old School Hot Rodders of Virginia Spring Cruise In & Swap Meet 9am - 4pm at 19621 Namozine Road Sutherland VA 23885. Having been called by some "The Woodstock of Cruise In's" this event is geared toward folks who enjoy the "golden age" of the hot rod car scene: 1950's - 70's. Come see old friends and make new ones with our main goal being to enjoy our cars, share stories from days past and photos from the "good old days" of hot rodding, street racing and drag racing. Cars, trucks, rat rods, race cars, project cars and motorcycles 1981 and earlier are more than welcome. We are offering large swap meet / car corral spaces for only $25. Free NSRA vehicle safety inspections. Rain date May 18th. For more info call/text Darrell Olgers 804-943-2283 or email 66stingraycoupe@gmail.com. See the Facebook group Old School Hot Rodders of Virginia for event details
- May 17 - Sutherland, Va: Virginia NSRA Appreciation & Safety Day will partner with Old School Hot Rodders of Virginia’s Spring Cruise-in & Swap Meet, from 9 a.m to 4 p.m, at 19621 Namozine Road, Sutherland VA 23885.
- May 17 - 3rd Annual Car/Truck and Vender Extravaganza Sponsored by the W.InG.S. Ministry (Women In Gods Service) at Friendship Baptist Church 9AM-2PM at 5200 Newby's Bridge Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832. Rain date: June 7th, 2025.
Calling all Classic Cars, Trucks, Motorcycle enthusiasts!! Join us for an unforgettable experience at our 3rd Annual Car and Vendor extravaganza! There will be trophies, food, raffles, food and more.
Early registration car spot available for $20. - day of the show $25.
Vendor Space is $40.
Registration is available on: Facebook Church website: friendshipva.org
Contact: 9605cgs@gmail.com for any questions
- May 17 - Northern Neck Region’s 31st Annual Auto Show and Parts & Cars Swap Meet, at Stan’s Skateland, Rt 3 Montross, VA, 8:30 - 2:00. Rain date is May 18. Show proceeds to benefit the Northern Neck Technical Center - Automotive Technical & Body Repair Kenny Lowe Memorial Scholarship.
Save the Date and come help us celebrate another car show season. This will not be a judged event and it is open to all years and models (cars, trucks & motorcycles).
The early registration fee is $15.00 and $20.00 day of show. Proceeds will be used in support of the scholarship program at the Northern Neck Technical Center. There will be live music by the Hard to Tell Band, 50/50 raffle tickets, and awards for Best of Show, People’s Choice, Mayor’s Choice, Stan’s Choice, Oldest Vehicle, Farthest Driven, and Top 15 Vehicles.
Directions: From Fredericksburg take VA-3 east to Montross – Stan’s Skateland is on right; from Newport News/Gloucester – US-17 N to Tappahannock US – right on US 360 E to Warsaw - left on to Main St/VA-3 Business, turn left onto History Land HWY/VA-3 and continue to Montross – Stan’s Skateland is on left. From Richmond/Mechanicsville follow US-360 east 360 E to Warsaw left on to Main St/VA-3 Business, turn left onto History Land HWY/VA-3 and continue to Montross – Stan’s Skateland is on left
For additional information please contact (301) 346-6727, if no answer leave information. Flyer/Registration forms can be downloaded direct from Flyer/Registration forms or the Northern Neck Region website at www.nnkregionaaca.org.
- May 17 - "Paid A Pretty Damn Penny" 4th Annual Car, Truck & Bike Show $250 Cash Prize – Best of Show! Presented by Top Tier Promotion & Alpha Divine LLC at 5101 Dale Ruritan Place, Richmond, VA 23234
Gates Open: 12 PM - 8 PM
Judging Starts: 5:30 PM
Best Paint | Best SUV | Best Truck | Best Audio
Best Squat | Best Motorcycle | Best Car
People’s Choice | Most Rep Club | Best of Show
Best Female | Best Old Skool | Best Donk | Best Box Chevy
$20 Entry | $30 to Show | Kids 12 & Under Free
Vendors Welcome!
Vendors deadline April 5th
Contact: (305) 990-6421 Empress
Get ready for epic rides, loud beats, and serious competition!
Facebook - Paid A Pretty Damn Penny
- May 17 - Fourth Annual Ashland KarWanis Car Show, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Ashland. Located at Ashland Junction Shopping Center, 167 Junction Drive, Ashland VA 23005. Hours 10 am to 2 pm. Registration $20 advance or day of show. Multiple car classes will be judged for cleanliness and condition, with trophies for all classes. All vehicles are welcome (Cars, Trucks, Bikes, etc). Proceeds to support the Ashland Kiwanis Club mission to "Serve the Children of our Community and the World". Contact Roy Mills at roymills39@gmail.com or call 248-830-0052 for questions or details. Website for information is www.karwanis.com
- May 18 - 7th Annual Show & Shine Car Show to Cure Parkinson’s Disease. Sunday May 18, 2025,Williamsburg Antique Mall, 11 am -3 pm. 500 Lightfoot Road Williamsburg,Va 23188. Open to all makes, models, years - cars, trucks & motorcycles. Join with the Williamsburg Antique Mall and the Classic Cruisers Car Club (CCCC) to raise awareness and funds for the American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA) . Donations accepted. Special sales, hourly door prizes, DJ, raffle, & restaurant on site. Info Wes Taylor antiqueswilliamsburg.com 757-776-0094 or show co-chairs Al Crane - Classic Cruisers Car Club cranejra@aol.com or Scott Brubaker Jr, APDA and APEX Physical Therapy and Movement Center scott@apexptva.com Spectators Welcome.
- Sunday, May 18th – Classic Car Cruise-In, Hanover County Parks and Recreation,
Hanover High School: 10307 Chamberlayne Rd, Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Phone: (804)-365-4695
Hours: 4:00-7:00PM
Event is free for classic owners to cruise in and spectators. Relive the golden era of cruising! Travel back in time as the parking lot on Route 301 fills with an impressive lineup of vintage vehicles, showcasing the best of pre-1999 automotive craftsmanship. From the sleek curves of the '50s to the muscle cars of the '70s and the iconic rides of the '80s, this event is a must for car enthusiasts of all ages. As you stroll among these timeless classics, let the nostalgic tunes from the '50s, '60s, '70s, and '80s take you on a musical journey that perfectly complements the visual feast.
Scheduled food vendors: Nana and Papa's Roadside Grill, Lil' Mike's Kitchen
Preregister to ensure drop your name in for door prize entries online at : Classic Car Cruise In
Facebook Event: facebook.com/share/16CkBbEzXK
For more information, contact Fannie Giguere at FGiguere@hanovercounty.gov
- May 24 - Lee Town Car Club (The Belt Show) at the Children’s Baptist Home, 6900 Hickory Road, Chesterfield, VA 23803. 10-4pm Info Gerald Woolridge 804-252-0563
- May 30 - 31 - Good Guys 2nd Grundy Insurance Mid-Atlantic Nationals presented by R&M Performance - Dover Motor Speedway, 1131 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901. Complete information at good-guys.com/man
- May 31 - Zion’s Old Firehouse presents its Seventh Annual Car Show & Cruise-in, 16158 Beaverdam School Road, Beaverdam, VA, 23015. (Rain Date: Saturday, June 14). Registration 10 am – Noon. Judging will be done by the registered show participants only – competitor choice – one ballot per vehicle. Ballots will be turned in to the registration desk by 1 pm, and the trophy presentations will start by 2:00 pm. $20 registration fee at the gate. Save $5 -- only $15 for early registration by sending email to davidkoogler@yahoo.com by May 28. We will award a Best in Show trophy as well as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies for four classes: 1959 and older cars, 1960-1969 cars, 1970-1979 cars, 1980 and newer cars, and any year Truck. Entry will be free for those who want to bring their car and cruise-in but do not want to participate in the competition or judging. Full day of fun activities include: 50/50 raffle, door prizes, DJ playing oldies music, music trivia with prizes, Pork BBQ dinners and sandwiches, and a bake sale. Net proceeds from the car show and raffle will go to support Liberation Veteran Services, a Richmond-based organization that provides housing and other support for homeless veterans in central Virginia. For more information, contact David Koogler at 540-809-3295 or davidkoogler@yahoo.com. Also visit our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ZionCruiseIn
- May 31 - Time Bandits Car Club Car And Motorcycle Show to celebrate Harley Graduation May 31. Show time will be 10-2. Location is Steel Horse Harley Davidson 11501 Hull Street Rd. Midlothian,Va 23112. Food and drink available for purchase provided by Archers BBQ, Sippin Spot, A Smidgen of Philly. There will NOT be a registration fee. Harley is graduating from Amelia High School and has asked our club (she has been very involved in the club) to do a motorcycle and car show for her graduation. Info timebanditscarclub@gmail.com
- June 1 - Come cruising with the Southern Knights Cruisers along with Richlands Creamery at the Richlands Creamery facility on June 1, 2025. The Creamery is on US Route 460W. The official address is 460 Cox Road, Blackstone VA 23824. It will start at 1:00pm and end by 4:00pm. Come on out and enjoy the beautiful countryside along with some great food, ice cream and cars. There will be classic music being played to the delight of many who grew up in this era. All is welcome regardless of what you drive. Additional information can be had by calling 804-691-3754.
- June 6 - 7 - Raleigh Classic Car Auctions Spring Auction - Complete information at www.raleighclassic.com
- June 7 - 8 - Chesapeake Bay Motoring Festival - June 7th SHOW DAY 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Rain or Shine).
8:00am Cars and Coffee. Waterfront Cocktail Reception 6:00-7:30pm
June 8th SHOW DAY 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM (Rain or Shine)
Hosted By: The Kent Island Yacht Club located just over the Bay Bridge on Maryland’s Eastern Shore 117 Yacht Club Dr, Chester, MD 21619.
Info at chesapeakebaymotoringfestival.org
- June 6 - 8 - Carlisle Ford Nationals - Come to the largest all-Ford show in the world which features Ford, Lincoln, Mercury and Euro Fords on the 3,200+ National Parts Depot Showfield. Location Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013 Website Carlisle Ford Nationals
- June 6 - 8 - NSRA 51st Annual Street Rod Nationals East at York Expo Center
York, Pennsylvania. Website nsra-usa.com/rods-spectators-east
- June 7 - 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Brotherhood Ministry 19th Annual Car Show!! This is the best show in the area! Great food! Great fun!! Gospel Music!!! Horseback Riding!!! This year the awards are Top 20 Classic, Great 8 Modern, Motorcycle, Truck Class, Specialty Class, Peoples Choice, Best GM, Best Mopar, Best Ford, Best Import, Best Abandoned Brand, Best Custom, Best Street Rod, Best Engine, Best Paint, Best Modern, Car Club Participation and Best in Show! 1st 50 Registered Day of Show Receives Dash Plaque! Door Prizes to participants! 50/50 Raffle and more! Registration ends promptly at noon! Registration Fee: $20.00 day of show! Address of Venue: 17520 Jefferson Hwy, Montpelier VA 23192 For more information and questions contact: Greg Wyatt, 804-752-2312, Darryl Thomas, 804-647-3926, Steve Nelson, 804-514-1906, Antonio Johnson, 804-971-7090. Raindate: June 14, 2024. For directions to the church, go to our website: mtolivetbaptchurch.org
- June 7- Historic Fredericksburg Region AACA's 68th Annual Antique Automobile Show will be held at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds, 2400 Airport Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA 22401. Hours 9 AM to 3 PM. Class judging registration deadline is May 24th. Entrance fee for AACA compliant vehicles in class parking is $25 and pre-registration is required. Driver Participation display area for non AACA compliant vehicles and day of show entries for $20. Spectator parking is FREE. Vintage Fashion Show too! Come with a car to show off or come as a spectator! Lots of parking. For information contact Wally Hunt 540-424-0212 wallyhunt66@gmail.com or Rob Govoni 540-359-1863 govonir@verizon.net Facebook facebook.com/groups/www.hfraaca.org ~100 mile scenic Tour on June 8 starting at Classic Car Center in Fredericksburg.
- June 7- Historic Fredericksburg Region AACA Swap Meet and Car Corral for Auto, Transportation, Steam & Gasoline Power Plant, Antique Tools, and Farm Equipment, parts, accessories and certain automotive related items. Set up begins at 6:30 AM Saturday. 12 x 30 space $25 for swap area. Car Corral is $25 per vehicle, open to motor vehicles only. Come sell excess from your garage. Buy more to fill the extra space in your garage! Swap Meet and Car Corral will be held at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds, 2400 Airport Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA 22401. Contact Carey Leitch at 540-840-8022 or caricoinc@verizon.net for further information. Facebook facebook.com/groups/www.hfraaca.org
- June 13 - 14th Annual Baden Volunteer Fire Department's Cars, Trucks, Rat Rods & Bike Show - Antique Fire Trucks - Welcomed! Under the Lights at Baden Vol. Fire Dept., 16608 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD 20613. Registration: 4 PM - 7:30 PM. Rain Date June 20 4 PM - 9:30 PM. Admission: $5 - Children 12 & Under Free. No Alcohol - No Pets. Dash plaques to the 1st 200 registered & over 50 Trophies to be awarded. Registration day of show $20. Vendor & Swap meet space $35. Trailered vehicles welcome. Bob Hartman's HardRock DJ Service & Music. Food & Drink Available for Purchase. For information call Paul: 301-751-5705 or Tony: 301-399-6597.
- June 14 - Our 56th Annual Collector Car and Swap Meet, hosted by the Richmond Region AACA, is being held at St. Joseph’s Villa (8000 Brook Rd, Richmond). This year’s feature is “Beauty of Automotive Design” which includes vehicles from the early 1900’s to the modern day. The show offers over 20 judged classes and the largest automotive swap meet in Central Virginia, along with a cruise-in option. There will be activities for the whole family, including antique car rides, a youth judging program and craft vendors, along with food vendors and air-conditioned restrooms. For more information, please visit www.richmondcarshow.com.
- June 14 - 1st Annual Flag Day Car Show at Southside Church, 6851 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832. (Am - 3PM. Bring your antique, classic, muscle car, hot rod, rat rod, lowrider, import car, custom car, truck, modern car, motorcycle. $20 registration, dash plaques for the first 200, live music, vendors, kidz zone, raffle, 50/50. Over 50 awards, tons of catagories. Contact Rick Ecker Rick@vettrack.org
- June 14 - Jerusalem Baptist Church Scholarship Annual Car and Bike Show. Located at 994 Three Chopt Rd. Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103. Hours 10am-4pm. Registration is $20 from 10am-1pm. Vendors $20 per table. No sale of food or drinks by vendors. There will be lots of food and entertainment for everyone. Trophies will be awarded in various categories. Come out and bring your family for a day of fun and fellowship. For more information please contact A.B. Taylor @804-514-8649 or Howard Leabough @804-337-5511
Website: www.jerusalembaptist-manakin.org
- June 20th - Classic Cars needed for a display at Tylers Retreat at Iron Bridge, 12001 Ironbridge Road, Chester, VA 23831 from 4:00-7:00 pm. Tyler’s Retreat at Iron Bridge is a state-of-the-art retirement community founded in 2010. If you or your group or club can bring some cars out for the residents please contact Wanda at juwandascott@gmail.com or 757-742-1661. Thanks for your help!
- June 20 - 21 - Carlisle GM Nationals - Bring your vehicle and join over 1,000 other participants at the Carlisle GM Nationals. All General Motors vehicles are welcome from vintage & classics to the modern 6th Generation Camaro, you can see it all here on the National Parts Depot Showfield. Location Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013 Website Carlisle GM Nationals
- The Moonlight Cruise-In Car & Truck Show
June 21st | 11 AM - 5 PM
Richmond Raceway | 600 East Laburnum Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222
Join us for the 2nd Annual Moonlight Cruise-In Car & Truck Show, presented in association with NASCAR! This unforgettable event will showcase a wide range of vehicles, including antique, classic, custom, and more. Here's what's in store:
Vehicle Judging: Compete across diverse vehicle classes judged by an experienced panel. Note: Only registered vehicles are eligible for judging and awards.
Dash Plaques: The first 100 Cruise-In/Car Show participants will receive a custom dash plaque.
Track Laps: Drive your classic, vintage, race/pro street, or daily driver around the legendary Richmond Raceway track, led by official NASCAR pace cars.
NASCAR Tickets: Each participant will receive tickets to the August 25th NASCAR Cup Series Race.
Music & Entertainment: Enjoy oldies and throwback tunes courtesy of Stax of Wax DJ Services by Wes Thomas.
Vendors & Food: Explore a variety of vendors and enjoy delicious food and beverages on-site or BYOB.
Mark your calendar for this one-of-a-kind automotive celebration. Whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of motorsports, this event promises something for everyone!
Contact for Registration & Garage Reservation:
Email: themoonlightcruisein@gmail.com
Phone: (804) 767-9490
Don't Miss Out!
- June 28 - Deltaville Maritime Museum Car Show/Cruise In will be held from 9 AM until 1 PM at the Deltaville Maritime Museum, 287 Jackson Drive, Deltaville, Va 23043. The show is open to all cars, trucks, and tractors and is a non-judged show.
The car show is held in conjunction with the end of Family Boat Building Week during which up to 10 families have built 14 foot skiffs under the guidance of Museum volunteers with the Great Skiff race, featuring the recently built boats which will be launched Friday afternoon and rowed by the family members who built them, being held about 9 AM on Saturday.. Also the Holly Point Festival which features numerous vendors and live entertainment will be held in conjunction with the car show.
Show participants receive free entry to all Museum Facilities and 2 free Groovin tickets valid for any grooving during the 2025 season. The
Boat shop where deadrise skiffs are built by Museum volunteers and sold by the Museum will be open for inspection where boats under various stages of construction can be seen. As with all car shows children's activities are featured and all museum facilities are open for inspection so this makes a great family car show with something for all family members. The historical Buy Boat, which was restored by Museum Volunteers over several years, the F. D. Crockett, will be available for boarding and free creek cruises are offered on the museum Deadrise the Jennie May.
There is no registration fee for the car show and pre-registration is not required.
For further information about the car show and museum facilities please visit the Museum Website at Deltavillemuseum.com or contact the Museum at 804-776-7200
- June 28 - Deep Roots Home Garden Center 1st Annual Car Show, 28284 Constitution Hwy, Rhoadsville, Va 22542. Saturday June 28, 2025 /10am-3pm (rain date June 29th) Registration $20 ( All proceeds to St. Jude’s Children Hospital) Goodie bags / Dash plaques to 1st 100 participants Top 25/ speciality & best in show trophies Door prizes/ 50:50 raffle/ face painting/ bounce house/ food & beverage vendors Info contact Wayne Moore 540-809-2086/ Bruce Wheeler 540-809-4579
- June 28 - Classic Car, Truck and Bike Show; Shady Grove Baptist Church 3384 Oakland Church Rd. Gum Spring, VA 23065; Hours: 10 AM to 4 PM *FREE ADMISSION* Come out and enjoy music, fish fry, yard sale, live music, and lots of beautiful rides on display. No registration to show your classic vehicle. All are invited. For more information contact Agonza Hayden at 804-291-6737 or Jerry Mealy at 804-241-5735
- July 4 - 2025 Happy Birthday America Parade at Gypsy Hill Park, Staunton Virginia - Happy Birthday America, which is centered around giving back to the community as well as remembering and celebrating America’s favorite holiday, was started in 1970 by Staunton’s favorite sons, The Statler Brothers. Second-generation country music duo Wilson Fairchild now headlines the event with their show on the night of the 4th with their special music guest. Come wave your red, white, and blue, and we’ll see you in the park! More than 25,000 people expected this year. You can apply for the parade starting March 1st.
1. Commercial Entry - $85: Any business, organization or group that does not have non-profit status with the IRS or is promoting their for-profit organization.
2. Political Entry - $85
3. Nonprofit Entry- $25: Please give Tax ID number
4. Individual Entry- $25: (Car Clubs - Each parade entry requires a separate application & fee.)
For info go to happybirthdayamerica.org or email Josh at parade@happybirthdayamerica.org
- July 11 - 13 - Good Guys 27th Summit Racing Nationals presented by PPG - Ohio Expo Center, 717 E 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211. Complete information at good-guys.com/ggn
- July 11 - 13 - Carlisle Chrysler Nationals - Chrysler Nationals is the largest Mopar event in the world featuring over 2,800+ vehicles from all eras of the Chrysler brand! Classic, muscle cars and high performance new models are all showcased at this Mopar-lover's paradise. Location Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013 Website Carlisle Chrysler Nationals
- July 12th - Street Dreams Cruisers 10th Annual Car, Truck and Bike Show. Saturday July 12th 10:00am until 4:00pm at Strosnider Chevrolet, 5200 Oaklawn Boulevard, Hopewell Va. 23860. All Makes,Models & Years are welcome.
Registration 9:00am until 12:00 noon. Registration fee: $15 in advance $20 day of show $10 Display only.
Rain date July 19.
Food and drinks. 50/50 Raffle.
This will be a Judged event (no people's choice judging) Awards will be announced at 3:00pm.
To pre register go to www.streetdreamcruisers.net under Events
For more information contact Glenn Harris, President @ 804-317-0025
- July 18 - 20 - NAPA Syracuse National - NY State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse, NY 13209-1588. Complete information at www.syracusenationals.com
- July 31 - August 3 - The 56th Annual NSRA Street Rod Nationals in Louisville, KY. Don't miss the largest Hot Rod Show in the country. 4 days of cars, cars, cars, Hot Rod Vendors, Concerts, Swap Meet, and more. For detailed information: nsra-usa.com/rods-spectators-srn
- August 1 - 3 - Carlisle Truck Nationals - Be a part of one of the largest and most action-packed truck events in the world! See or Show your lifted, lowered, classic, antique, modern, two- or four-wheel drive, jeep, big rig or mini truck. Location Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013 Website Carlisle Truck Nationals
- August 9 - Vets on Track Foundation & 610 Cruisers Car Club: Charity Car Show - Cruis'n to end veteran homelessness. 9AM - 2:30PM. North Stafford High School, 839 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22554. Raffle, engine breakdown demo, 50/50, door prizes, food trucks, vendors and more. For info contact Bill Peil at 1billpeil.bp@gmail.com
- August 21 - 23 - Corvettes at Carlisle - Corvettes at Carlisle is the largest and most fun-filled Corvette event in the world. The annual Corvettes at Carlisle event features nearly 3,000 Corvettes representing all generations of America’s classic sports car. Location Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013 Website Corvettes at Carlisle
- August 23 - Deltaville Maritime Museum Car Show/Cruise In will be held from 9 AM until 1 PM at the Deltaville Maritime Museum, 287 Jackson Drive, Deltaville, Va 23043. The show is open to all cars, trucks, and tractors and is a non-judged show.
The car show is held in conjunction with the Holly Point Festival which features numerous vendors and live entertainment.
Show participants receive free entry to all Museum Facilities and 2 free Groovin tickets valid for any grooving during the 2025 season. The
Boat shop where deadrise skiffs are built by Museum volunteers and sold by the Museum will be open for inspection where boats under various stages of construction can be seen. As with all car shows children's activities are featured and all museum facilities are open for inspection so this makes a great family car show with something for all family members. The historical Buy Boat, which was restored by Museum Volunteers over several years, the F. D. Crockett, will be available for boarding and free creek cruises are offered on the museum Deadrise the Jennie May.
There is no registration fee for the car show and pre-registration is not required.
For further information about the car show and museum facilities please visit the Museum Website at Deltavillemuseum.com or contact the Museum at 804-776-7200
- August 30 - Mopars in the Valley at the Salem Civic Center, 1001 Roanoke Blvd., Salem, VA 24153 Phone: 540-798-7513. Hours 8 AM to 4 PM. Admission is $20 (pre-registration) - $30 (day of show). Open to all Mopar and Mopar Heritage Vehicles. For more information contact Dave Simmons at moparsinthevalley@gmail.com or call 540-798-7513. Website for the show is facebook.com/events/564783262905651
- August 29 - 31 - Mustang Club of America Grand National Show Fredericksburg, VA. Organizer National Capital Region Mustang Club. Phone:
571-221-8142 Email: c4primer@gmail.com Website: www.ncrmc.org. Event site: mustang.org/event/mca-grand-national-show-fredericksburg-va More information to come when available.
- September 6th - 18th Annual Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show at Hyles Baptist Church, 7220 Courthouse Rd, Chesterfield, Va 23832
from 10:am to 3:00 pm. Rain date September 13th. Trophies for classes - 1960 & below - 1961 to 1969/1970 to 1999/ 2000 - 2009/2010 to present. We also have a Motorcycle division, along with 1980 & older and 1981 to present Truck Division, also, a Specialty division. We will have 12 bests of categories, best of show, judged & People's choice. Family Fun & entertainment with free children's activity. Concessions on site with our famous homemade barbecue, burgers, hot dogs, and our great ladies homemade bake sale. Vendor Booths are available but go quickley, $30.00 each. Registration is $15.00 if postmarked by August 31st, 2025, or $20.00 on the day of the show. Donation Tickets on sale prior and during show $2.00 each, over 200 prizes awarded last year. This show is already filling up & will reach capacity, Open to the first 150 vehicles only. Registration is available online. All proceeds benefit Children's outreach ministry program.
Contact person James Leavy 804-839-6084 jamesleavy@msn.com
- September 7 - Come cruising with the Southern Knights Cruisers along with Richlands Creamery at the Richlands Creamery facility on September 7, 2025. The Creamery is on US Route 460W. The official address is 460 Cox Road, Blackstone VA 23824. It will start at 1:00pm and end by 4:00pm. Come on out and enjoy the beautiful countryside along with some great food, ice cream and cars. There will be classic music being played to the delight of many who grew up in this era. All is welcome regardless of what you drive. Additional information can be had by calling 804-691-3754.
- September 14 - Williamsburg Invitational Car Show - 17th Annual, sponsored by the Colony Auto Enthusiasts. The event is located in the heart of Colonial Williamsburg on Duke of Gloucester St, between Henry and Nassau St. Sunday, 14 September, 10AM to 3PM. The theme for the cars in this year's show is "4 passenger convertibles of any mark or era". Free admission to public. The website for the show is caecarshow.com. Any questions contact Walt Zaenker or Jerry Sibley at caecarshow@gmail.com
- September 20th - 10th Anniversary 65 Roses Car, Truck, Bike Show Benefiting Cystic Fibrosis. Hosted at Spotsylvania High School, 6975 Courthouse Rd., Spotsylvania, VA 22551.
9 am to 3 pm. $15 preregistration and $20 the day of, spectators free. Registration is from 9-12:30 the day of. Come out and enjoy all the cars we have to show off. Classes are: Best of Show Classic, Best of Show Modern, Best of Show Import; Best Import 2000+ (1-3), Best Import 1980-99 (1-3), Best Domestic 2000+ (1-3), Best Domestic 1980-99 (1-3), Best Classic Car (1979-older) (1-3), Best Classic Truck (1979-older) (1-3), Best Modern Truck 2000+ (1-3), Best Retro Truck 1980-99 (1-3), Best Motorcycle (cruiser style)(1-3), Best Motorcycle (Sport Bike style) (1st only), Best Exotic (1st only), Best Rat Rod (1st only), Best Hot Rod(1-3), Best Street Rod (1-3), Best Off-Road (1-3), Best SUV (1st only) Specialty Categories are: Best Ford, Best GM, Best Mopar, Best Honda, Best Acura, Best VW, Best Nissan, Best Toyota, Best Lexus, Best Infiniti, Best BMW/Mercedes, Best KDM, President’s Choice, VP’s Choice, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Lifted Truck, Best Mini Truck, Furthest Traveled, Best Engine Bay, Best Stance, Best Wheels. We also have 1 Signature Award called the #CFWARRIOR Award which is chosen by a family that has been directly affected by Cystic Fibrosis. Prize Raffles, 50/50, food trucks, and games. Moon Bounce and Face Painting for kids. First 200 to arrive receive custom dash plaques. Custom made trophies. For my information contact Cody 540-845-8375 or envymy300@yahoo.com (RAIN DATE SEPTEMBER 27, 2025) (Trailer Parking and Spectator Parking On-site)
Website: 65rosescarshow.com
- September 20 - Crozet Car Show at Pollak Vineyards 330 Newtown Rd, Greenwood, VA 22943 - Phone 540-456-8844. Hours 11am to 3pm, staging begins at 10a. Rain date September 21st. Nestled against the stunning backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah National Park, this is more than just a car show—it's a celebration of community, craftsmanship, and fun! From professionally judged awards like the coveted Best in Show Pollak Trophy to Top Ten People's Choice and specialty trophies, there's something for every car enthusiast. Plus, enjoy live music, mouthwatering food, homemade ice cream and lemonade, wine tastings, and a silent auction! The first 100 entries even receive dash plaques and gift bags. All proceeds go toward the Claudius Crozet Blue Ridge Tunnel Foundation (501c3).
Secure your spot by pre-registering for just a $20 donation! To pre-register your vehicle, simply send an email to crozetcarshow@gmail.com with the following details: Full Name Phone Number Year, Make, and Model of your vehicle.
Your $20 donation will be collected on the day of the show. Keep in mind, space is limited, so pre-registration is strongly encouraged to guarantee your participation. Same-day registration will be available for a $25 donation, but space is not guaranteed—so don't wait too long! For more information, contact Steve at 434-531-5401 or e-mail us at crozetcarshow@gmail.com or on Facebook at facebook.com/crozetcarshow
- September 27th, 2025 will be date for one of the "Biggest Car Show Roundups in Virginia", presented by the Southern Knights Cruisers Car Club. The rain date for this show is October 4th, 2025. This will be our 25th Annual Southern Knights Cruisers Veterans Car and Bike Show! Our Show will be held at Richard Bland College in Petersburg, VA 23805. The Show will start at 8:00am and end at 5:00pm. The Show will benefit the organizations that help our country’s military and our veterans. The organizations Benefiting: “Fisher House”; “Richmond VA Medical Center’s Fund (formally McGuire’s Hospital) #1161**OEF/OIF/OND: (This fund is used to support the needs of the patients returning from Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn); “Fort Gregg-Adams’s Holiday Helper Association”, and “Richard Bland College’s SKC Scholarship Fund”. This open show attracts the highest quality show cars from Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina. You don't want to miss this year’s show, where over 300 show cars, trucks, and bikes are expected to attend! No matter what you like, Antiques, Classics, Muscle Cars, Street Rods, Customs, Compacts, Tuners, Off Road Trucks, Custom trucks, Monster trucks, Antique Military Trucks, Antique Fire Trucks, Antique Police Cars, Race Cars and Bikes, they will be there. All total, there will be more than 145 awards given out at this year’s show. And, this year, the “Best of Show” winner can win an award plus $1,000. Because of increased interest each year, this show continues to grow. You can register and pay on-line, if you need more information about the show or want to register, go to our website www.southernknightscruisers.com and click on show details, or Email at uworime@comcast.net.
- September 27 - Amelia Lions Club Fall Cruise-In at the Court House Square In Amelia. Contact Brian Harris at Cell 804-252-4079 Shop 804-561-3107.
- October 1 - 5 - Fall Carlisle Collector Car Flea Market & Corral - Fall Carlisle is the last event of the calendar year for Carlisle Events and marks the end of the Carlisle based show and automotive flea market season! This massive automotive flea market is one of the best opportunities to get your hands on all things automotive before the winter non-picking blues kicks in. Location Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA, 17013 Website Fall Carlisle Collector Car Flea Market & Corral
- October 7 - 10 - 2025 Eastern Fall (Hershey) at Hershey, PA. - Website aaca.org/event/2025-eastern-fall-meet-hershey-pa
- October 11 - Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruizers will host their Annual Fall Classic Car Show at Keystone Truck and Tractor Museum, 880 Roslyn Road Colonial Heights VA 23834. This is a judged show with Top 25, “Best Of” and Best of Show Awards. Registration is $25.00 day of show. (Vendors $25.00 contact Bruce Vecchoini at 804-586-1061). Registration starts at 8:00am and lasts till 12:00 noon. Awards will be around 2:00pm. Goody bags to first 100 registrations. There will be 50/50 raffle, silent auction, and door prizes. Our music van will be on site. All money collected will benefit our local charities and combat wounded veterans. Additional information at www.obgcc.com or Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruizers Facebook page. Contact person is Gordon Ford, 804-712-1643 or email gordonford10@yahoo.com.
- October 18 - Deltaville Maritime Museum Car Show/Cruise In will be held from 10 AM until 2 PM at the Deltaville Maritime Museum, 287 Jackson Drive, Deltaville, Va 23043. The show is open to all cars, trucks, and tractors and is a non-judged show.
The car show is held in conjunction with the Taste of Middlesex Festival which features Food from local restaurants, numerous vendors and live entertainment.
Show participants receive free entry to all Museum Facilities and 2 free Groovin tickets valid for any grooving during the 2026 season. The
Boat shop where deadrise skiffs are built by Museum volunteers and sold by the Museum will be open for inspection where boats under various stages of construction can be seen. As with all car shows children's activities are featured and all museum facilities are open for inspection so this makes a great family car show with something for all family members. The historical Buy Boat, which was restored by Museum Volunteers over several years, the F. D. Crockett, will be available for boarding and free creek cruises are offered on the museum Deadrise the Jennie May.
There is no registration fee for the car show and pre-registration is not required.
For further information about the car show and museum facilities please visit the Museum Website at Deltavillemuseum.com or contact the Museum at 804-776-7200
- October 25 – Fredericksburg Eagles Car and Truck Show sponsored by the Fredericksburg Eagles, 21 Cool Spring Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405, 9AM to 3PM, come out and see lots of cars and trucks, from antiques to right off the show room, we have something for everyone. For more information contact Lisa Limerick at 540-287-2980 or Danny Rainey at 540-379-9387. Event Website and Pre-registration available here: eventcreate.com/e/fburgcarandtruckshow
- OCTOBER 25th - 11th annual Rebellion Car, Truck and Bike Show at Pocahontas State Park, 11301 State Park Road, Chesterfield,VA 23832. Hours: 9am-5pm Contact: Beejay Anderson 804-318-0545 or varebellion@yahoo.com OVER 100 custom awards. Open to all makes, models and styles. Entertainment all day and tons of vendors with a HUGE charity raffle. This year we will be hosting a Halloween Costume Contest for kids and adults at 3pm with Raffle and Awards to follow. See ya there!!!
- October 25 - Slant Six / Mopar Power Get Together - Our annual get together will be held on Saturday, October 25th at our home at 1215 Burlington Drive, Colonial Heights, Va. starting at 9AM til ? If enough folks show up, we’ll have lunch provided with contributions gladly accepted. Parts, books and die casts will be available for sale at a low price. Homemade awards to be given. Contact Gary Platz @ 804- 526-0520 or platzbarbara@yahoo.com
Wednesday Cruises
- Hot Rods and Hot Dogs, 2nd Wednesday of each month May-September at Page Custom Rods and Restorations. 1091 Merchants Lane, Oilville VA. 5PM-8PM. Back again for 2025 is this great mid-week Cruise-In. Tour the shop and talk to the guys that build high quality custom cars and trucks. In keeping with the theme, the shop will provide Hot Dogs, Chips, and Drinks available for purchase. There is no rain date for each month, if weather cancels an event, it is gone for that month. Scheduled dates are 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, & 9/10. If an event cancels the notice will be posted HERE by 3PM of that day, or call the shop at (804) 784-5541.
Friday Cruises
- We’re back for another year at Pearson Honda! The second Friday of the month (from April to October), 5pm till whenever. Come on out to the largest Friday night cruise-in in central VA. Get there early, the place gets packed. As always DJ Blade spinning the tunes and we’ll have a food truck on site. For more info: contact Virginia Classic Cruisers on facebook or call the store (804) 745-0300 (ask for Allen or Chip). We’ll see ya there!
Saturday Cruises
- Brunetti’s Express Year Round in the Kooliest Town of Mechanicsville at the Corner of 301 & Atlee Road. If the Weather is Good Cruise Out 3:30 till ? Every Saturday Afternoon Chill Out (no pun intended) w/Like Minded Motor Heads in a Well Lit Parking Lot, See Old Cars, Talk Shop & Eat Great Pizza. For More Info Call Lea at Still Runnin Magazine at 386.846.2347 cell or 804.746.2791.
- Saturdays weather permitting 8 AM – 10 AM Cars and Coffee Richmond, Stony Point Fashion Park: 8 - 10am, 9200 Stony Parkway, Richmond, VA 23235. There is a $5 fee to cover costs of rent, insurance, off duty police. Held every other Saturday. See dates on the calendar: carsandcoffeerichmond.com/Calendar.aspx
- THE CHESTERFIELD SATURDAY NIGHT “CRUISING CRUZ-IN” RETURNS , APRIL THRU OCTOBER. (weather permitting): 4:30 to 8PM. Join Jeff & Monica at a different CAR-FRIENDLY restaurant each week for the cruise-in featuring plenty of spacious parking, outdoor patio dining (some restaurants); Most restaurants will offer FREE soft drink or dessert for everyone in the vehicle with your dinner purchase; gift card drawings when possible; Special themed events will be held throughout the season open to ALL cruisers, but spotlighting the featured vehicles. (Topless Night, Truck Night, Mustang Night, etc...) Dinner purchase discounts will be offered for featured vehicles. ALL SPECIAL EVENTS WILL BE LISTED ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THIS WEBSITE…. Cadillac Jeff spins the oldies music from the 50's thru the 80's; (a different set list every week). We will have promo handbills to be distributed at the cruise-in restaurants, at local car shows and events, OR e-mail Cadillac Jeff at caddyman617@yahoo.com
- NK Cruisers, a local car enthusiast and cruise-in group bringing the car community together between Richmond and Williamsburg. The focus is New Kent, Charles City, and Lanexa but we welcome all folks from all areas. All years, makes, models, cars, trucks ,motorcycles and tractors are welcome. Currently our cruise-in meets the 1st and 3rd Saturday 11AM-2PM Nov-March and the 1st and 3rd Friday 6PM-9PM April-October at Rosie's at Colonial Downs, Lot 7. Inclement weather cancels. Plenty of parking and room for trailered show, race, project vehicles. Golf carts are allowed onsite. If you have one bring it. Rosies has a restaurant and there are several more nearby. The address is 10515 Colonial Downs Pkwy New Kent, VA 23124 or more information email: nkcruisers@gmail.com and NK Cruisers NK Cruisers Facebook page for announcements and information.
- Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruisers will once again host the Monthly First Saturday Breakfast Cruise In starting Saturday April 6 at the Keystone Tractor Museum and Keystone Grill located at 880 West Roslyn Road Colonial Heights VA 23834. Event entrance located at south end of museum, follow event signs. This event will be held the first Saturday of each month weather permitting starting at 8:00am. All makes and models including bikes are welcome at this free cruise in. Our members will be on site with our music van playing music and occasionally handing out door prizes and possibly a 50/50 drawing to support our local Veteran and other organizations. Stop in for the Breakfast Special at the Keystone Grill or visit the Truck and Tractor Museum and enjoy the vehicles on display while you enjoy the company of other car enthusiasts. Check our Facebook Page or Website www.obgcc.com for any updates or contact Gordon Ford at 804-712-1643 or gordonford10@yahoo.com.
- Heart of Virginia Classic Auto Club will have cruise-ins on the third Saturday of every month from April through October from 5pm until. We will be loacted in the tractor Supply parking lot in Farmville, VA at 1507 S. Main Street (behind Hardee's). For more information contact Tom Ashton mopar4tom@yahoo.com
- FERDINAND & FRIENDS, Classic Auto Gathering (Stock to 1990, Custom to 2000), every 2nd Saturday of the month, March through September, 8:00AM to 10:00AM at Old Stony Point Shopping Center, 9006 Huguenot, Rd. Richmond Va 23235.
- Cruise in Dates: MARCH 8 - APRIL 12 - MAY 10 - (NO JUNE) - JULY 12 - Aug 9 - SEPT 13
- RULE: Wipers on, Gathering off. NO RAIN DATE FOR F&F!!!
- All Makes and Models Welcome - But, Keep it "Classic" CONTACT: Al Bryan at AlbertArtStudio61@gmail.com for comments or questions
- Last Saturday (April 12th grand opening then last Saturday) weather permitting 8 AM – 10 AM Cars and Coffee 804: at The Diner at Cross Pointe, 8245 Hull Street Road, Richmond 23235: Jenny Hook 804-295-9873 facebook.com/therealcoalmine.
- Cars & Coffee at The Classic Car Center, 3591 Lee Hill Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22408-7323. Join us on the last Saturday of each month April through October 8 - 10AM. Dates: April 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, August 30, September 27 and October 25. 540-370-4474 or info@classiccarcenter.net. Website: classiccarcenter.net
- The Southern Knights Cruisers will resume their weekly cruise-ins at Hardee’s on Old Stage Rd. and Route 10 in Chester, VA-- Starting Saturday, April 5th thru October 25th, (weather permitting), 3:00 till 7:00 or until everyone leaves. DJ's "Wolf Man” John Newton, along with the “MO” Melinda will be playing great cruising music along with 50/50 raffles, and much more. Don’t miss the greatest cruise-in in central VA ... Info: Ricky Williams, 804-691-3754, E-mail uworime@comcast.net or at www.southernknightscruisers.com
- Time Bandits Car Club Cruise-In at Steel Horse Harley Davidson located at 11501 Hull Street Rd. Midlothian,Va 23112 Start time will be 3PM on these Saturdays April 19, June 21, August 16, October 25. Contact timebanditscarclub@gmail.com
- Time Bandits Car Club Cruise-In at Hardee’s in Amelia Va 10151 Superior Way Amelia, Va 23002 Start time will be on these Saturdays May 10,
July 19, September 20. Contact timebanditscarclub@gmail.com
- THE MOONLIGHT CRUISE-IN Every Second Saturday from May to September
Time: 4-7 PM
Location: Bella Italia, 6407 Iron Bridge Rd.
The Moonlight Cruise-In aims to celebrate the love for vehicles of all types and foster camaraderie among different Cruise-In communities. The first 50 vehicles to Cruise-In will receive custom dash plaques!
Featuring: Stax Of Wax DJ Services, spinning tunes to keep the energy high.
Perks: All cruisers will receive a FREE soft drink with meal purchase!
Don't miss out on this unforgettable celebration of automotive passion!
For more info, contact:
Peppy Johnson – 804-767-9490
Wes Thomas – 859-358-0344
Mark your calendars and join us every second Saturday from May to September!
- Saturday Night Cruise ins ~ Yorktown VA ~ April 19-October 18 2025
The 2025 Classic Cruiser’s Car Club cruise-ins will take place every Saturday night from 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM (weather permitting) Saturday April 19 thru Saturday October 18. (Weather Permitting) Coastal Church, 101 Village Avenue, Yorktown, VA 23693. Open to all years, all makes, and all models. If it’s cool, bring it. It is only a $2.00 donation to show your vehicle. There is no admission fee for spectators. All cruise-in donations are donated to local charities. It is a great place to look at some great rides, share memories, see your old friends, and make some new ones. For up to date information about the cruise-ins, go to the Classic Cruisers Car Club Facebook page. Additional information my be obtained from our website www.ccccva.com or facebook page or contact Club VP Kathy Jefferson 757-871-7666
Sunday Cruises
- Every Sunday, year round with weather permitting, The East End Cruise-in is in full effect at a NEW location, Freakin BBQ 1164 Wilkinson Road, Henrico, VA 23227 Every Sunday afternoon 2:30/3:00pm until dusk or when everyone leaves. Door prizes occasionally, music, 50/50 drawing and etc. Bring your hot Rods and a taste for some Freakin good BBQ. Bring your folding chairs and chill, have some fun. Open to all makes and models! Contact Paul Holmes 804-663-8806 with any questions.
- Last Sunday of the Month May thru September Sunday afternoon Cruise-in at Lebanon United Methodist Church, 12450 Courthouse Road Dinwiddie VA 23841 from 3:00 to 6:00 pm.
Come on out for a cruise-in, enjoy classic cars and trucks as well as music and great friends.
DJ music. Contact Danny Herald 804-896-3090 for information. May 25, June 29, July 27,
Aug. 31 and Sept. 28.
- Third Sunday of Each Month, McKenney Cruisers Cruise-In. April through October 2pm - 5pm. Located on 1st Street in McKenney Va. 23872. Food truck will be available with food and drink.
Contact: Connie (804) 720 -7787/ Tony (804) 691-1104 for information.
